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MontiiCo Bento Two
$29.95 AUD
ConfettiDinosaur LandGame OnRainbow RollerUnicorn Magic+ 2 more

4 reviews
MontiiCo Bento Three
$39.95 AUD $44.95 Sale
AppleConfettiDinosaur LandEndless SummerGame OnGrapeUnicorn Magic+ 4 more

5 reviews
MontiiCo Bento Five
$38.95 AUD $44.95 Sale
ConfettiDinosaur LandGrapeUnicorn Magic+ 1 more

Make meals fun with Little Lunchbox Co

Packing food for your kids has never been easier. With Little Lunchbox Co’s thoughtfully designed range of versatile containers, the stress and dread are taken out of preparing food and snacks ready for school. These products will make the process of packing food more enjoyable and creative. The cherry on the cake is that your little ones will love to eat whatever is inside.

Mikki & Me are proud stockists of Little Lunchbox Co. We believe in what they stand for – helping kids eat healthy, balanced meals while reducing waste, introducing more variety, and saving money on overpriced pre-packaged goods.

Meals are easy with Bento Boxes

Little Lunch Box Co's fantastic collection of bento boxes and accessories makes life easy for busy parents. There’s a product to suit every child’s need. Featuring vibrant colours and fun designs, these containers are convenient to use, durable and efficient.

Divided into handy compartments to separate foods, the containers are available in three handy sizes. This makes them the perfect choice for toddlers, teens and even adults who love to mix and match their meals.

  • Bento Two is the perfect compact size to carry snacks, or for toddlers with a low diet.
  • Bento Three is ideal for an extended school day. You can pack a wrap or a sandwich, while also giving your kids some variety in their snack choices.
  • Bento Five is for those who need a bit more variety and mix-up every day. The container’s leak-proof compartments make this the best option for fussy eaters.

You can also choose from a range of exclusive cups or dividers to customise your containers and make them even more versatile. All our products are BPA free, 100% child safe and dishwasher safe, making them a worthwhile addition to your kitchen. Check out our selection today.